At the end of 2021, Facebook made the world-shattering announcement that it would be going through a massive rebrand. The new name — Meta Platforms — was supposed to better reflect the future aspirations of the company, which are largely focused on the metaverse. However, one immersive art company is taking issue with the name-change, mostly because it has completely upended the brand amidst confusion about their own name. The official complaint is also available on the site, providing some legal jargon to go along with the scathing message from the founders of The complaint states that no one will do business with the company anymore, because the brand is “now infected by the toxicity that is inextricably linked with Facebook.” Still, given Meta’s vast array of apps and services, the case won’t be nearly that cut and dry. Plus, Meta’s got more than enough resources to make sure won’t have an easy time getting what’s owed to them. The lawsuit isn’t just about getting what’s owed to it either. It’s safe to assume the case could have some far-reaching implications for the future of tech, at least that’s what the founders would have you believe. There are plenty of other social media platforms that know the wrath of Facebook is not to be trifled with, but it looks like might actually have a case in this lawsuit. Come back for more updates as it unfolds.