Apparently the future is here, and thanks to Tersa Steam’s Indiegogo campaign all of this may become a reality. Tersa Steam is an efficient way to do your laundry in less than 10 minutes, without chemicals, and it deodorizes and adds fragrances to single pieces of clothing. Much like a Keurig or Nespresso machine, Tersa uses single-use pods and distilled water to clean individual garments, jeans, jackets, towels, and even your running shoes. Unfortunately due to the length, it does not appear to currently support cleaning dresses. The actual device is a wall mounted container with a front-facing mirror, uses only 3 ounces of water per cycle, each pod uses fully recyclable materials, the pods also only contain natural plant materials and no chemicals, and will only take about 10 minutes per garment. Though not the first of its kind now, the idea of Tersa may have come along before the others have hit the market. Widely ranging in price, one of the more well known is the Swash, which has middle of the road reviews and a much larger physical footprint. Unlike many Indiegogo and crowdfunding campaigns, the team has also decided to fully produce and manufacture the devices in the U.S., and they are based out of Fort Collins, Colorado. Tersa has already gone through several iterations of prototypes, and has plans to ramp up production in October of this year. The devices should begin shipping in May of 2018 and will retail for $400.   “We decided to take a different approach and designed Tersa Steam to eventually become a fixture of the home. We understood the size of the product would prohibit some from purchasing, so we made it wall-mounted and integrated a mirror into the design. We wanted to design a product that was versatile in its location, sustainable in its process and save you time while you’re getting ready. While you are getting ready and taking a shower, the product is preparing your clothes for you.” While some of these are simply ideas for now, the company has big plans for the future. Read more about startups in Colorado at TechCo